2020 in Review


First I have to say 2020 will go down in history. I prefer not to be involved with history making years but at least we can say we survived it. It was strange with it’s anxiety levels, fear of getting sick or worse making others sick. It was difficult in not seeing people close to you when you wanted and it was boring and lonely in a way with all of the isolation and separation. It changed our plans drastically. We had to leave Arizona a lot quicker than we wanted with our illustrious Mr. Trudeau stating it is time to come home. I only went fishing once this year. That is unacceptable. We only camped a few a times also with campgrounds being closed then overbooked like mad. It wrecked Jackie’s 60th celebration on a cruise for us which I was looking forward to very much. It wrecked our 40th anniversary on a cruise. It kept us from seeing our friends, parents, kids and grandkids as often as we would have liked. Don’t get me wrong as it was not all bad but it was definitely different and I am hoping 2021 will much much better. I do know that 2021 won’t start off well as Arizona will still be missed. I do know that Christmas 2020 sucked compared to what we are used to and want.

Here are some of the events that happened that are memorable.

Ten years ago my Dad left us for heaven. A special special man. Sense of humor, loving, kindness, brilliant mind, and giving.

Sitting outside on the patio by the outdoor kitchen was awesome.

I finished off the enclosure around the kitchen for protection and privacy. We special ordered this sign to complete it.

The enclosure worked perfect, looked great and Jackie & I even managed to carry the outdoor furniture from the backyard to store it in the carport with our mad rush to leave in March.

I really miss the fun gatherings. This is at a dance we attended with the group. Wine and women are trouble. This is what we love about Viewpoint being our home away from home. A vacation is wonderful but surrounding yourself with friends and entertainment is hard to beat. You drink, play a game have a visit and you return to something that is yours. A home away from home. We are so lucky to have great friends like Fred & Terry and Ralph & Tracy “living” there and the good fortune of having friends like Kieth & Jenny, Jeff & Wendy and Alan & MaryAnn visit us.

Watching a Oiler/Flames game at a bar with friends. This can’t happen now but it sure was fun especially seeing the look of disappointment on the Oiler fans faces over and over again. We went a few times to the bar to celebrate. The manager of this bar was exceptional to us finding the game and putting it on for us Canadians.

Having fun playing DICE and playing Captain Morgan. Sitting outside on the deck ,drinking with friends is one of my favorite things. Ps watching Jeff get six of a kind is like a hole in one. I really have to try not to win so often so not to discourage others.

Birthday Parties are fun ! Wendy struggling to blow her 60 candles out . In hindsight we are sure Wendy had Covid but she wasn’t tested to be sure.

Tracy, Wendy and I all had a birthday celebrations. Myself being the youngest of the group if I am not wrong.

Looks cool and i was looking forward to lighting it up this year. It will have to wait until 2021. All new pieces, paint, and lettering that I won’t get to see lite up this year in Arizona. I even made it double sided so both directions could see it. This should have been the original design. I was pro-active a way to early. LOL It was a lot of cutting with a jig saw. A lot of painting to get it to look good. Michaels had the perfect eyes for Santa. I found strip LED lighting that worked great to set it off.

Super bowl watching. Get a bunch of old guys drinking, laughing and watching a game outside on the deck is what Arizona is all about. You could include pot lucks, golfing, dances, shows and block parties

Alan & MaryAnn visiting is always fun. We had a whirlwind visit with them but really enjoyed it.

Celebrating MaryAnn’s birthday in Cave Creek.

Storage bins and a shelves for everything. New painted flooring, pegboard walls and laminated ceiling made for a great looking workshop shed. Another good looking project done.


This is what Covid isolation does to a man. LOL

Rowdy party goers at a show in Viewpoint. These shows are wonderful with tribute bands from every genre. Jackie was so rowdy she annoyed the old lady in front of her with her clapping. Yes clapping at a concert annoyed an old fart. Old people !!

Gathering in a group on a day trip. We make this run every year and always an adventure. The Apache Trail is one of the top scenic roads in the USA

I love this highway. Especially when it is not busy as it makes the corners a little more fun.

Another fun evening out with the gang. I really miss doing this today. Great dinner show !

Look at these colorful people sightseeing instead of focusing on golf. Lots of golf. Jackie & I would golf once a week with Jeff & Wendy, Jackie & Wendy once a week on Ladies day, Jeff & I once a week in my men’s group and myself once  a week at Whirlwind in my other men’s group. Loads of fun.

Waiting in line at a festival in Arizona with Bourbon and Chili being the specialty.

May Long cancelled in 2020 sucked. This is from a few years ago. We have camped this weekend for decades. Having a group of friends get together camping, golfing and a pot luck meal is one of my favorite events. We have a different themed pot luck each year which has included: Chinese, British Isles, Mexican, Italian, Chili cook off, hamburger cook off, and American pub grub which are the few I remember. Ron’s Toad in Hole for the British event was the winner, Fred’s moose and beef meat Chili was the winner and special mention to Alan & MaryAnn that brought Chili all the way from Calgary for an event, Tiramisu from Penny and my Penne with Italian sausage capped the Italian event,  Jenny’s Taco in a Bag was a hit for Mexican night as was Amanda’s dish. I haven’t come up with a theme yet for 2021 but soon. Perhaps I will call it Survival Food ( after living thru Covid)

Victoria joining us on a outside patio for a drink after golf.  One of my most enjoyable things in life. Can’t wait for supper as all winter I will have missed my Burger night at Fat Willy’s. When they at least let us sit on the patio it was great.

Cutouts all done. Planters done just need stained. Grass borders done. Finished a lot of projects with our early departure from AZ. Some people say the cowgirl lady is a little too busty. How can that ever be ?

This is Calgary in JUNE !   The weather this year in 2020 was not good. I don’t remember one day over 30 degrees. Rain and cold until late fall and then a few great weeks before a very early cold winter hit and then mild wintery conditions until Christmas.

Daisy LarE Willard our Covid puppy we brought into the family. Wow are pups a lot of work. It is a good thing she is beautiful.

Frosted mugs, cold beer and a very good hamburger. That is life ! At Heatherglen after golfing. For 2021 they got stupid with pricing and rules/restrictions  so we are not golfing there as members. I have my Turner Valley membership retainer and we joined the VIP Golf group. Looking forward to many great days golfing at different courses.

Getting all three daughters together makes for a fun day. Victoria, Jessica and Daisy.

Love is in the air as we celebrated our 40th Anniversary this year. Not like being on a cruise. LOL

Wonderfully decorated 40th anniversary dinner party done up by Tor, Cor, Jess and Pen.  Special menu’s done up and a wonderful meal. It was a surprise and exceptionally well done. Very nice.


Heading out on Wabumun which is Alberta’s third largest lake. We caught a boat load of Walleye again.

Pre-celebration at Heatherglen today for Jeff & Wendy Grace as they celebrate 25 years together. Funny as 25 yrs later i found a 8mm video of their wedding in our desk.

A nice camping get together with Larry & Anita  Geddes from Med Hat. They are fun people to camp with. They like to bike, play cards or crib ,have a dog and are fully set up camping guru’s.

Family gatherings done  safely with everyone having fun at a get together for Audrey’s birthday out at Oasis

Loved this little truck and it carried a lot of gravel and lumber for me. Fred & I did the final repair then I sold it. Sold it in no kidding less than 5 minutes.

Great looking car, a new purchase for us in 2020. Tinted windows and dice for the mirror to come to complete the lo-rider cool look.

Beautiful Picture of Kennedy’s wedding. Too bad it was during a Covid year as it really limited the sizing.


My girls out for dinner. Dinner time but it looks like the lights were turned off. A girls night out for Jackie’s birthday.

She didn’t quite get the numbers right. Jackie’s birthday at Oasis

The girls have a 10 degree or warmer rule. But played today at 8 degrees near Sundre on a camping trip with the Harry’s, Grace’s and the Key’s joining in


Great meal with friends camping and celebrating Jackie’s 60th birthday. Far cry from a cruise meal. LOL  I set up our gazebo with the full curtains, had our picnic table in it and used our propane firepit for heat to have a great celebration of Jackie’s 60th birthday. I did two pork loins in a slow cooker, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, carrots in a brown sugar glaze and of course a Happy Birthday Cake. I was lucky the ladies did all of the dishes. I can’t help it but when I cook there always seem to be excessive dishes used. Terry, Fred, Jeff, Wendy, Kieth, Jenny and us played games and watched Jackie grow old in front of us. We even had wine in a box. Not one person got tipsy we were trying so hard at games.

It’s Peter Pan not Robin Hood for Halloween this year out at Oasis with Jackson. I really enjoy this event and plan to add more decorations next year to our lot. I do like gore !

August’s first day of Kindergarten.

Social distancing, masks and outside made it a safe gathering. The senior homes HAVE to be careful. This was a Thanksgiving meal with Mom in Edmonton along with Alfred, Mary, Darlene, Jim and Kari. Everyone brought their own food to eat. I whipped to Swiss Chalet for a Thanksgiving special dinner they had for us and Mom.

We enjoyed a lot of golf with the Graces this year being locked down. Just missed the cold beer and wings after.

Who would have thought in order to play by the rules we would be forced to have a very small party outside with just us for Atticus’s birthday.

Finally someone naming their pet Larry. He is cute, photogenic, well behaved. He is the perfect dog. Troy & Jennifer know a good name when they hear it.

Reno just about done. New flooring throughout, new closet doors, painted dining room ,living room, hallway and office, painted cupboards, new handles, new lamps, new lighting, new Tv and stand, new living room furniture with everything turning out wonderful. End tables and coffee table still coming and now it looks like a 12 week wait period.

THE AFTER with a little paint and junk still on the counters. We like the look. Brighter, more modern and more in style versus the light maple.

The smallest Christmas dinner ever ! 2020

Just think about this. Next year is 2020 Won. It wins !

Memories are a sweet thing. So for a lousy year with weather being horrible until fall, and winter hitting early and with restrictions it still turned out pretty ok. I smile when I think of the get togethers, golfing, fishing, renovating, outside visits, very different birthday parties and Thanksgiving and Christmas. A very difficult year in politics with Trump losing and Trudeau being stupid. A strange year with the NDP and Union followers being so vocal with no ideas just wanting to antagonize  and disrupt the stage ,be self serving not thinking of the circumstances or others. A different year that I believe in a lot of ways have brought people more together as they are stuck with one another playing cards, watching TV  or eating. I think a lot of people may have gained weight in the last year.

Good Bye 2020 . We won’t forget you ! But never want another year like it again !

Here is to a much better 2021 for everyone. Well at least 9 months of 2021 when we get past all of this.